| SAT 1 | Aerodays | 27-29/05/2020 | Bucharest | acozzolino@piaggioaerospace.it |
 | SAT 2 | AerospaceEurope conference2020 | 25-28/02/2020 | Bordeaux | dromano@piaggioaerospace.it |
 | SAT 2 | International Conference on Aeronautical Sciences | 21-22/05/2020 | Berlin | dromano@piaggioaerospace.it |
 | ENG Advanced compressor | Axial radial compressor vehicle (ACCV) rotodynamic case study | 05/2020 | Prague | Marek Stefan marek.stefan@ge.com |
 | | Aero Days 2020 | 24-26/11/2020 | Berlin | /td> |
 | AIR WP-B.3.4.4 | Application of high speed machining technology in aviation | 2018 | 21st International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming | Paweł Bałon (p.balon@szel-tech.pl) |
 | AIR WP-B.3.4.4 | High Speed Milling in thin walled aircraft structures | 2018 | PRO-TECH-MA 2018 | Paweł Bałon (p.balon@szel-tech.pl) |
 | AIR WP-B.3.4.4 | The use of affordable technologies in manufacturing of aircraft structures for Small Air Transport on the example of cabin structure in the SAT-AM project
| 2019 | 9th EASN International Conference | Dawid Ulma (dawid.ulma@ilot.edu.pl) |
 | AIR WP-B.3.4.4 | The use of affordable technologies in manufacturing of aircraft structures for Small Air Transport on the example of composite nacelle in the SAT-AM project | 2019 | 9th EASN International Conference | Jacek Dudziak (jacek dudzial@ilot.edu.pl) |
 | AIR WP-B.3.4.4 | Superhydrophobic coatings as anti-icing systems for small aircrafts.
| 2019 | 9th EASN International Conference | F. Piscitelli (F.Piscitelli@cira.it) |
 | AIR WP-B.3.4.4 | Mechanical Characterization of Ti6Al4V processed by EBM
| 2019 | 9th EASN International Conference | C. Pirozzi, (C.Pirozzi@cira.it) |
 | AIR WP-B.3.4.4 | Barriers to development and challenges for small air transport – assessment of the potential for change. SAT-AM Project | 2019 | 9th EASN International Conference | Andrzej Iwaniuk (Andrzej.iwaniuk@ilot.edu.pl) |
 | AIR WP-B.3.4.4 | Experimental Investigation of damage detection on structures with FSW junction | 2020 | 10th EASN International Conference | |
 | AIR WP-B.3.4.4 | Evaluation of the production results of selected technologies based on the cabin part and engine nacelle in the SAT-AM (Clean Sky 2) project | 2020 | 10th EASN International Conference | |
 | AIR B1.2 | Preliminary Characterization of Bonding Defects in Multi-Element Spars | 05/03/2019 | SPIE – Smart Structures and NDI – 2019, Denver, Colorado, USA | |
 | AIR B1.2 | Scaled multispar intergal demonstrator | 12/03/2019 | JEC World 2019, Paris, France | Asier Gandarias (agandarias@danobat.com) |
 | AIR B1.2 | Examination of the KAWAI CLD Method for Fatigue Life prediction of Composites | 16/06/2019 | 30th ICAF Symposium, Krakow, Poland | Yael Buimovich (ymotola@iai.co.il) |
 | AIR B1.2 | OPTICOMS – Optimized Composite Structures for Small Aircraft | 16/06/2019 | Aerodays -Bucharest, Romania | Adam Sawday (asawday@iai.co.il) |
 | AIR B1.2 | Preliminary Characterization of Bonding Defects in Multi-Element Spars | 12-14-03-19 | JEC World 2019, Paris, France | |
 | AIR B1.2 | Small scale skin demonstrator | 10/03/2019 | JEC World 2019, Paris, France | Asier Gandarias (agandarias@danobat.com) |
 | AIR B1.2 | Workshop organisation, Workshop participation, Workshop presentation | 03 Dec 2020 | CS2 Composite Material Manuf Workshop | Arnold Nathan anathan@iai.co.il |
 | AIR B1.2 | TME exhibition of Ribs from small scale CS2 demo | 16 Oct 2018 | CAMx Conference | Sophie Rousseau |
 | AIR B1.2 | OPTICOMS demo technology | march 2019 | JEC World 2019, Paris, France | Sophie Rousseau |
 | AIR B1.2 | Pushing NCF Automation forward: Automated Dry Material Placement (ADMP®). | 03 Dec 2020 | CS2 Composite Material Manuf Workshop | Peio Olaskoaga |
 | AIR B1.2 | Innovative Flexible Bonded Jig Assembly for Full Scale Composite Wing | 03 Dec 2020 | CS2 Composite Material Manuf Workshop | Yaron Nagar |
 | AIR B1.2 | Compression RTM for production of future aerostructures | 01 Feb 2020 | CS2 Composite world magazine | Thomas chevallet t-chevallet@tme-composites.com |
 | AIR B3.4 | FAIR „K“ | 16-23/10/2019 | Dusseldorf (GER) | |
 | AIR B3.4.2 | Design of innovative composite hybrid joints with electromagnetic compatibility | 29 Oct 2020 | Virtual | Athanasios.Pouchias@brunel.ac.uk |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Condition monitoring of electro-mechanical actuators for aerospace using batch change detection algorithms | 21-24 August | Copenhagen, Denmark | Mirko Mazzoleni mirko.mazzoleni@unibg.it |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Performances matching with new INDRA SSPCs being used inside the INDIS project | nov-17 | London (UK) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Benefits of power distribution by the use of special power PCBs | nov-17 | Aranjuez (Sp) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Opportunity of use of new HV-SSPCS as input protection for the motor controller. | dic-17 | Paris (Fr) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Performances matching with new INDRA SSPCs being used inside the INDIS project | giu-18 | Aix in Provence (Fr) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Presentation in UPM-CEI about three potential scholarships to work in INDRA in R&T projects, as in INDIS project. And sharing of projects and aspects with other companies presenting some other scholarships. | giu-18 | Madrid (Sp) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Presentation in UC3M about five potential scholarships to work in INDRA in R&T projects, and two of them for INDIS project. And sharing of projects and aspects with other companies presenting some other scholarships. | ott-18 | Madrid (Sp) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Performances matching with new INDRA SSPCs being used inside the INDIS project. By synergies between both project, an opportunity of new packaging for SSPC mosfets was identified. | nov-18 | Barcelona (Sp) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Presentation of INDRA technologies for different OPVs (optimal pilot vehicle) platforms, along the different INDRA markets/departments (ground, sea, air) and opportunities of INDRA SSPCs being developed in INDIS project for other markets and clients. | gen-19 | Alcobendas (Sp) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Assistance to a CleanSky2 workshop2 presentation done by CDTI-Tecnalia, and networking with other Spanish comnpanies by Tecnalia and CDTI in CDTI facilities in Madrid (Spain) on March 6th 2019. | mar-19 | Madrid (Sp) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Performances matching with new INDRA SSPCs being used inside the INDIS project. Going on in discussing with 3 entities about opportunity of new packaging for SSPC mosfets by synergies between both projects. | mar-19 | Hasselt (Bl) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Participation in CleanSky presentation and Spanish industry workshop, where shring of the INDRA project, including INDIS, and networking for future collaboration with other universities, research centers and companies was done. | mar-19 | Valladolid (Sp) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | “Public R&D&T in the EU and INDRA participation”. Promotion and Dissemination activities. Presentation done by Indra team to secondary school (pre-university courses) “I.E.S. San Blas” including INDIS project objective, status and future results, for encourage new studientrs in this power electronic area in the next universities. | mag-19 | Toledo (Sp) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Presentation in UPM-CEI about three new potential scholarships to work in INDRA in R&T projects, as in INDIS project. And sharing of projects and aspects with other companies presenting some other scholarships. | giu-19 | Madrid (Sp) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Presentation in UC3M about five potential scholarships to work in INDRA in R&T projects, and two of them for INDIS project. And sharing of projects and aspects with other companies presenting some other scholarships. | ott-19 | Madrid (Sp) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Presentation in UC3M about five potential scholarships to work in INDRA in R&T projects, and two of them for INDIS project. And sharing of projects and aspects with other companies presenting some other scholarships. | ott-19 | Madrid (Sp) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Assistance/Participation in several conferences and paralell workshop2 lead by CDTI-INDRA, and networking with other Spanish comnpanies for discussing about application of new technologies for new and futrure air platforms. | dic-19 | Madrid (Sp) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Assistance to a workshop and conferences about “APLICACIONES Y NUEVOS DESARROLLOS DEL GRAFENO EN ENERGIA” lead by the Alianza Española en Grafeno, where some of ideas or technologies under development could be applied in the future over the INDIS project. | dic-19 | Vitoria (Sp) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.2.1 | Conference “Evolution of airborne electrical networks, future challenges and INDRA’s reponse”. Conference performed by virtual means inside of the Engineering Master MISEA of tghe Carlos III University of Madrid, and including some slides about technology being developed inside of INDIS project | mag-20 | Leganés -Madrid (Sp) | jcarmena@indra.es |
 | SYS WP7.3 | RTI User Conference | 21-22 may 2019 | Munich | vescano@aertecsolutions.com |
 | SAT JTI-CS2-2017-CFP06-SYS-03-09 | Foro TRANSFIERE | Feb 20 | Malaga | Pedro Pablo Sanchez (ppsanchez@aertecsolutions.com) |
 | SAT JTI-CS2-2017-CFP06-SYS-03-09 | Foro TRANSFIERE | Apr 21 | Malaga | Pedro Pablo Sanchez (ppsanchez@aertecsolutions.com) |
 | SYS | 7th EASN 2017 International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research (A Tactical Separation System for Small Air Transport Vehicles) | 26-29 September 2017 | Warsaw, Poland | Vittorio Di Vito, v.divito@cira.it |
 | SYS | 7th EASN 2017 International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research (Selected Avionic Technologies in the COAST project for Small Air Transport Vehicles) | 26-29 September 2017 | Warsaw, Poland | Vittorio Di Vito, v.divito@cira.it |
 | SYS | 7th EASN 2017 International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research (An Advanced Weather Awareness System for Small Aircraft) | 26-29 September 2017 | Warsaw, Poland | Alessandra Zollo, a.zollo@cira.it |
 | SYS | EMS European Meteorological Society 2018 (A weather awareness system supporting detection and forecasting of aviation hazards) | 3-7 September 2018 | Budapest, Hungary | A. Zollo (a.zollo@cira.it) |
 | SYS 7.4 | 2019 IEEE Aerospace Conference (Worst-Case Measurement-Based Statistical Tool) | 2-9 March 2019 | Big Sky, Montana, USA | pavel.zaykov@honeywell.com |
 | SYS 7.4.2 | Lectures within Erasmus research staff exchange program Future of single pilot operations | May 2019 | UBI Covilha, Portugal | Piotr Grzybowski, piotrg@prz.edu.pl |
 | SYS | 9th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation and Space (Automatic destination selection for small aircrafts with use of MCDM methods) | 3-6 September 2019 | Athens, Greece | Piotr Grzybowski, piotrg@prz.edu.pl |
 | SYS 7.4.2 | 9th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation and Space Flight reconfiguration system – an emergency system of the future | 3-6 September 2019 | Athens, Greece | Piotr Grzybowski, piotrg@prz.edu.pl |
 | SYS 7.4.2 | Secondo Congresso Nazionale AISAM (Associazione Italiana di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e Meteorologia) MATISSE: la piattaforma CIRA per la gestione dei dati atmosferici a supporto dell’aviazione | 24-26 September 2019 | Naples, Italy | M.Montesarchio (m.montesarchio@cira.it) |
 | SYS 7.4 | Tactical Separation System for Small Air Transport Vehicles: design advancements in the COAST Project | 04/09/2020 | 10th EASN International Conference on “Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens” – Online | v.divito@cira.it |
 | SYS 7.4 | Advanced Weather Awareness System for Small Air Transport Vehicles: design advancements in the COAST Project | 04/09/2020 | 10th EASN International Conference on “Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens” – Online | m.montesarchio@cira.it |
 | SYS 7.4 | Flight management enabling technologies for single pilot operations in Small Air Transport vehicles in the COAST project | 04/09/2020 | 10th EASN International Conference on “Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens” – Online | v.divito@cira.it |
 | SYS 7.4 | A concept for an Integrated Mission Management System for Small Air Transport Vehicles in the COAST project | 04/09/2020 | 10th EASN International Conference on “Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens” – Online | v.divito@cira.it piotrg@prz.edu.pl |
 | SYS 7.4 | Jung’s theorem application in enroute hazard description | 04/09/2020 | 10th EASN International Conference on “Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens” – Online | piotrg@prz.edu.pl |
 | SYS 7.4 | Compact Computing Platform for Future General Aviation in the COAST Project | 04/09/2020 | 10th EASN International Conference on “Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens” – Online | piotrg@prz.edu.pl |
 | SYS 7.3 | The H2020 Midas Project, Inrim Activities On Temperature Probe Characterization | June 10-14, 2019 | Chengdu (China) | Andrea Merlone a.merlone@inrim.it |
 | SYS 7.3 | The Clean Sky 2 MIDAS Project – an Innovative Modular, Digital and Integrated Air Data System for Fly-by-Wire Applications | June 19-21, 2019 | Turin (Italy) | Angelo Lerro angelo.lerro@polito.it |
 | SYS 7.3 | Preliminary Definition of Metrology Procedures Guidelines for Synthetic Sensor Verification | June 22-24, 2020 | Pisa (Italy) | Angelo Lerro angelo.lerro@polito.it |
 | SYS 7.3 | Safety Assessment for Certified Air Data Systems based on Synthetic Sensors | June 22-24, 2020 | Pisa (Italy) | Angelo Lerro angelo.lerro@polito.it |
 | SYS 7.3 | Sensitivity Analysis of a Certifiable Synthetic Sensor for Aerodynamic Angle Estimation | June 22-24, 2020 | Pisa (Italy) | Alberto Brandl alberto.brandl@polito.it |
 | SYS 7.3 | Effects of the Wind Field on the Synthetic Measurement of the Aerodynamic Angles of an Aerial Vehicle | June 22-24, 2020 | Pisa (Italy) | Alberto Brandl alberto.brandl@polito.it |
 | SYS 7.3 | Maneuver-based Cross-Validation approach for Angle-of-Attack estimation | 11-15 Jan 2021 | Virtual | Alberto Brandl alberto.brandl@polito.it |
 | SYS 7.2.3 | 9TH EASN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION IN AVIATION | 3-6/09/2019 | Athens | Chiara Gasparro chiara.gasparro@protom.com |
 | SYS 7.2.3 | CONNEXT 2019 | 7-9 /02/2019 | Milan | Chiara Gasparro chiara.gasparro@protom.com |
 | SYS WP7.3 | OPTRO2020 | 29-30/01/2020 | Paris | Rafael Ortiz rortiz@aertecsolutions.com |
 | ENG WP8 | Optimization of 3D print strategy for aeronautical components produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion | | Turin | |
 | ENG WP8 | Additive Manufacturing Process Simulation & Validation of Aeronautical Components | | Turin | |
 | SYS | A Data-Driven Slip Estimation Approach for Effective Braking Control under Varying Road Conditions | 16-19 June 2020 | Saint-Raphaël, FRANCE | paolo.valigi@unipg.it |
 | SYS | PCA Methods and Evidence Based Filtering for Robust Aircraft Sensor Fault Diagnosis | 16-19 June 2020 | Saint-Raphaël, FRANCE | paolo.valigi@unipg.it |
 | SYS WP2 | Development of a reliable electro-mechanical actuator for primary control surfaces in small aircrafts | 3-7 July, 2017 | Munich, Germany | Mirko Mazzoleni mirko.mazzoleni@unibg.it |
 | SYS WP2 | Development and Experimental Testing of a Health Monitoring System of Electro-Mechanical Actuators for Small Airplanes | 19-22 June, 2018 | Zadar, Croatia | Fabio Previdi fabio.previdi@unibg.it |
 | SYS WP4 | Condition assessment of electro-mechanical actuators for aerospace using relative density-ratio estimation | 9-11 July, 2018 | Stockholm, Sweden | Mirko Mazzoleni mirko.mazzoleni@unibg.it |
 | SYS WP4 | Condition monitoring of electro-mechanical actuators for aerospace using batch change detection algorithms | 21-24 August 2018 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Mirko Mazzoleni mirko.mazzoleni@unibg.it |
 | SYS WP4 | Mechatronics applications of condition monitoring using a statistical change detection method | 11-17 July 2020 | Berlin, Germany (virtual conference) | Mirko Mazzoleni mirko.mazzoleni@unibg.it |