Small Air Transport

The Small Air Transport initiative proposed in Clean Sky 2 represents the Research and Development interests of European manufacturers of small aircraft used for passenger transport and for cargo transport, belonging to EASA´s CS-23 (European Aviation Safety Agency Certification Specifications-23) regulatory base. This includes dozens of industrial companies (many of which SMEs – Small Medium Enterprises –), research centres and universities. The community covers the full supply chain, i.e. aircraft integrators, engine and systems manufacturers and research organizations.
SAT is a stepping-stone in the European roadmap towards an eco-sustainable mobility, whose main goal is to meet the Flightpath 2050 target whereby “90% of travellers within Europe are able to complete their journey, door-to-door within 4 hours”, improving overall European air mobility.
SAT Related Projects
Airframe ITD
Airframe ITD focuses on optimising aircraft aerodynamics, materials, manufacturing methods and structural techniques in respect of the challenges of weight, cost, life-cycle impact and durability.
Engines ITD
Engines ITD will work towards radical engine architectures to power the aircraft of the future.
Systems ITD
Systems ITD (Integrated Technology Demonstrator) will develop and build highly integrated, high TRL demonstrators in major areas such as power management, cockpit, wing, and landing gear, to address the needs of future generation aircraft.
Technology Evaluator TA
TE monitors and assesses the general impact of the technological results arising from SAT and SAT-related activities.