About Clean Sky 2 & Piaggio Aerospace

Clean Sky 2 is a EU (European Union) funded programme under Horizon2020 programme, and is the largest European research programme ever funded by EU with nearly €4 billion of funding, contributing to strengthening European aero-industry collaboration, global leadership and competitiveness. Clean Sky 2 started in 2014 to develop innovative, cutting-edge technology aimed at reducing CO2, NOx emissions and noise levels produced by aircraft, while keeping aircraft safety levels and improving competitiveness of both product and companies.
Piaggio Aerospace is participating since the beginning in the Clean Sky 2 research activities as leader of Small Aircraft Transport (SAT) technologies development activity that now is involving more than 80 Partners in more than 10 European and extra-European Countries. Clean Sky 2 SAT research activities are focused on technologies development for aircraft more electrical systems, low cost airframe manufacturing and low fuel consumption engines. Clean Sky 2 activities will be completed in 2023 with full technologies maturity demonstration up to Technology Readiness Level 6 (TRL6) and ready to be integrated in the next generation of small aircraft.