| SAT WP1 | Affordable and Environmental Friendly Small Commuter Aircraft Improving European Mobility | | Monthly | World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology | Diego Giuseppe Romano, Gianvito Apuleo, Jiri Duda | 2020 |
 | SAT WP1 | Environmental Friendly And Affordable Small Aircraft Transport To Improve European Network | | | CEAS/3AF | Diego Giuseppe Romano, Gianvito Apuleo, Riccardo Antonio Bertone, Edoardo Chiapponi, Paolo D’Alesio, Andrea Ferraris, Riccardo Rebagliati, Giacomo Sereno, Giorgio Travostino, Paweł Guła, Arnold Nathan, Adam Sawday | 2020 |
 | AIR WP.B-3.4.4 | Application of high speed machining technology in aviation | AIP Conference Proceedings | ISSN 0094 243X; vol. 1960) ISBN: 978 0 7354 1663 5. | AIP Publishing | Paweł Bałon, Janusz SZOSTAK, Bartłomiej Kiełbasa, Edward Rejman, Robert Smusz | 2018 |
 | AIR WP.B-3.4.4 | Implementation of high speed machining in thin walled aircraft integral elements | Open Engineering | ISSN 2391 2018 vol. | Open Engineering | Paweł Bałon, Edward Rejman, Robert Smusz, Janusz SZOSTAK, Bartłomiej Kiełbasa | 2018 |
 | AIR WP.B-3.4.4 | HIGH SPEED MILLING IN THIN-WALLED AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES | Applied Computer Science | Applied Computer Science, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 82–95 | Applied Computer Science | Paweł Bałon, Edward Rejman, Robert Smusz, Janusz SZOSTAK, Bartłomiej Kiełbasa | 2018 |
 | AIR WP.B-3.4.4 | Obróbka z wysokimi prędkościami skrawania cienkościennych konstrukcji lotniczych | Mechanik | 8 9/2017;9/2017; ISSN0025 6552 p. 729 | Mechanik | Paweł Bałon, Edward Rejman, Robert Smusz, Bartłomiej Kiełbasa | 2017 |
 | AIR WP.B-3.4.4 | Subtracting Manufacturing Technology by HSM of Thin walled Ribbed Structures in an Application in Commuter Aircraft | TECHNIKAL GAZETE | 1330-3651 Print 1848-6339 | TECHNIKAL GAZETE | Paweł BAŁON, Edward REJMAN, Bartłomiej KIEŁBASA, Robert SMUSZ, Jerzy ŻÓŁTAK, Andrzej IWANIUK, Jacek DUDZIAK, Dawid ULMA, Paweł GUŁA | 2019 |
 | AIR WP.B-3.4.4 | Superhydrophobic coatings as anti-icing systems for small aircrafts. | AEROSPACE — Open Access Journal | | MDPI | Filomena Piscitelli, Antonio Chiariello Dariusz Dabkowski, Gianluca Corraro, Francesco Marra, Luigi Di Palma | 2020 |
 | AIR WP.B-3.4.4 | Development of methods for designing and manufacturing aircraft components with additive technologies. | Mechanik 2020 Open Access | | | J.Michalcewicz, W.Adamski | 2020 |
 | AIR WP.B-3.4.4 | The Effect of Post-Processing on the Mechanical Behavior of Ti6Al4V Manufactured by Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion for General Aviation Primary Structural Applications. | Aerospace 2020 | | | C.Pirozzi, S.Franchitti, R.Borrelli, A.Chiariello, L. Di Palma | 2020 |
 | AIR WP.B-3.4.4 | Thin-walled Integral Constructions in Aircraft Industry. | Elsevier 2020 | | | P.Bałon | 2020 |
 | SYS WP2 | Development of a reliable electro-mechanical actuator for primary control surfaces in small aircrafts | IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM) | Annual | IEEE/ASME | M. Mazzoleni, Y. Maccarana, F. Previdi, G. Pispola, M. Nardi, F. Perni and S. Toro | 2017 |
 | SYS WP2 | Development and Experimental Testing of a Health Monitoring System of Electro-Mechanical Actuators for Small Airplanes | 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) | Annual | Mediterrean Control Association IEEE | F. Previdi, Y. Maccarana, M. Mazzoleni, M. Scandella, G. Pispola and N. Porzi | 2018 |
 | SYS WP4 | Condition assessment of electro-mechanical actuators for aerospace using relative density-ratio estimation | 18th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID) | Every three years | IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) | M. Mazzoleni, M. Scandella, Y. Maccarana, F. Previdi, G. Pispola, N. Porzi | 2018 |
 | SYS WP4 | Condition monitoring of electro-mechanical actuators for aerospace using batch change detection algorithms | 2nd IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) | Annual | IEEE | M. Mazzoleni, M. Scandella, Y. Maccarana, F. Previdi, G. Pispola, N. Porzi | 2018 |
 | SYS WP4 | Experimental development of a Health Monitoring method for Electro-Mechanical Actuators of flight control primary surfaces in More Electric Aircrafts | IEEE Access journal | | IEEE | M. Mazzoleni, F. Previdi, M. Scandella, G. Pispola | 2019 |
 | SYS WP3 | Data on the first endurance activity of a Brushless DC motor for aerospace applications. | Data In Brief journal | | Elsevier | M. Mazzoleni, F. Previdi, M. Scandella, G. Pispola | 2020 |
 | SYS WP4 | Electro-mechanical Actuators for the More Electric Aircraft: Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis applications | Springer book Advances in Industrial Control series | | Springer | M. Mazzoleni, F. Previdi, G. Di Rito | 2021 |
 | SYS WP4 | Mechatronics applications of condition monitoring using a statistical change detection method | 21st IFAC World Congress | Every three years | IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) | M. Mazzoleni, M. Scandella, L. Maurelli, F. Previdi | 2020 |
 | SYS WP7.2.2 | Evaluation of the intrinsic fault tolerance of an EMA landing gear based on a five-phase SM-PMSM | MEA Conference | February 6th-7th 2019 | SEE; 3AF | Andres Sierra (1), Edorta Ibarra (2), Iñigo Kortabarria (2), Jon Andreu (2), Joseba Lasa (1). 1: Tecnalia Electric Aircraft, Tecnalia Research & Innovation, San Sebastián, Spain. 2: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain. | 2019 |
 | SYS WP7.2.2 | Modelado y simulación de tren de aterrizaje basado en actuador electromecánico con PMSM multifase | Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI’19) | July 3rd -5th 2019 | PELS: Power Electronics Society, IES: Industrial Electronics Society and IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. | A. Sierra1, E. Ibarra2, I. Kortabarria2, Iñigo Martínez de Alegría2, E. Otaola1. 1 Tecnalia Electric Aircraft, Tecnalia Research & Innovation, San Sebastián, Spain 2 Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain. | 2019 |
 | SYS WP7.2.2 | Data-driven slip estimation for efficient braking control under varying road conditions | IEEE, ICRA 2020 – International Conference on Robotics and Automation | | IEEE | F. Crocetti, G. Costante, M.L. Fravolini, P. Valigi | 2020 |
 | SYS WP7.4.2.1 | A Tactical Separation System for Small Air Transport Vehicles | 7th EASN 2017 International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29 September 2017, Warsaw, Poland | | EASN | Vittorio Di Vito, Giulia Torrano, Jan Beran | 2017 |
 | SYS WP7.4.2.1 | A weather awareness system supporting detection and forecasting of aviation hazards | 7th EASN 2017 International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, Warsaw (Poland) | | EASN | Alessandra Lucia Zollo, Myriam Montesarchio, Edoardo Bucchignani, Paola Mercogliano, Jan Beran | 2017 |
 | SYS WP7.4.2.1 | Selected Avionic Technologies in the COAST project for Small Air Transport Vehicles | 7th EASN 2017 International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research | | EASN | Vittorio Di Vito, Paola Mercogliano, Jan Beran, Marcela Sapakova, Piotr Masłowski, Piotr Grzybowski, Tomasz Rogalski | 2017 |
 | SYS WP7 | BSc Thesis “Implementation of a Matlab/Simulink model for a CS-23 aircraft: application on the PZL M28 vehicle” | | | Sara Capobianco; academic supervisors: A. Senatore, M. C. De Simone, C. Guida; CIRA supervisors: Vittorio Di Vito, Giulia Torrano | 2018 |
 | SYS 7.4.4 | Worst-Case Measurement-Based Statistical Tool | 2019 IEEE Aerospace Conference | | IEEE | Pavel G. Zaykov, Jan Kubalcik | 2019 |
 | SYS 7.4 | Compact Computing Platform for Future General Aviation in the COAST Project | 2020 EASN Conference | 4 Sept 2020 | EASN | P. Zaykov, J. Beran, P. Axman | 2020 |
 | SYS 7.4 | mcQEMU: Time-Accurate Simulation of Multi-core platforms using QEMU | 2020 IEEE DSD Conference | Aug 26 – 28, 2020 | IEEE | H. Carvalho, G. Nelissen, and P. Zaykov | 2020 |
 | SYS WP7.4 | Tactical Separation System for Small Air Transport Vehicles: design advancements in the COAST Project | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 4 Sept 2020 | IOP Publishing | V. Di Vito, G. Torrano, G. Cerasuolo, M. Ferrucci | 2020 |
 | SYS WP7.4 | Advanced Weather Awareness System for Small Air Transport Vehicles: design advancements in the COAST Project | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 4 Sept 2020 | IOP Publishing | M. Montesarchio, A. L. Zollo, E. Bucchignani, M. Ferrucci | 2020 |
 | SYS WP7.4 | Flight management enabling technologies for single pilot operations in Small Air Transport vehicles in the COAST project | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 4 Sept 2020 | IOP Publishing | V. Di Vito, J. Beran, T. Kabrt, P. Grzybowski, T. Rogalski, P. Maslowski, M. Montesarchio | 2020 |
 | SYS WP7.4 | A concept for an Integrated Mission Management System for Small Air Transport Vehicles in the COAST project | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 4 Sept 2020 | IOP Publishing | V. Di Vito, P. Grzybowski, T. Rogalski, P. Masłowski | 2020 |
 | SYS 7.4 | Testbed for thermal and performance analysis in MPSoC platforms | 7th International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems (IWCPS-7) | 6 – 9 Sept, 2020 | IEEE | M. Sojka, O. Benedikt, Z. Hanzalek, P. Zaykov | 2020 |
 | SYS 7.4.2 | Flight reconfiguration system – an emergency system of the future | Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal | | Emerald Insight | P.Grzybowski, E.Szpakowska-Peas | 2020 |
 | SYS 7.3 | Preliminary Design of a Model-Free Synthetic Sensor for Aerodynamic Angle Estimation for Commercial Aviation | Sensors | 19, 5133 | MDPI | Lerro, A.; Brandl, A.; Battipede, M.; Gili, P. | 2019 |
 | SYS 7.3 | A Data-Driven Approach to Identify Flight Test Data Suitable to Design Angle of Attack Synthetic Sensor for Flight Control Systems | Aerospace | 7, 63 | MDPI | Lerro, A.; Brandl, A.; Battipede, M.; Gili, P. | 2020 |
 | SYS WP7.3 | Safety Analysis of a Certifiable Air Data System Based on Synthetic Sensors for Flow Angle Estimation | Applied Sciences | 7.11 | MDPI | Lerro, A.; Battipede, M. | 2021 |
 | SYS WP7.3 | A Data-Driven Approach to Identify Flight Test Data Suitable to Design Angle of Attack Synthetic Sensor for Flight Control Systems | Aerospace | 7.63 | MDPI | Lerro, A.; Brandl, A.; Battipede, M.; Gili, P. | 2021 |
 | TE WP7 | The evolution of air transport networks and impacts on shortest travel times between NUTS-3 regions – a case study for intra-European trips originating in Germany | Transportation Research Procedia | Several times per year | Elsevier B.V. | Wolfgang Grimme, Holger Pabst | 2019 |
 | TE WP7 | Developing a General Methodology for Forecasting the Demand in Small/Personal Aircraft | International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation 2019 | N/A | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary | Agnes Wangai, Maciej Maczka, Adriaan DeGraaff, Lidia Travascio, Mario Solazzo, Daniel Rohacs, Angela Vozella | 2019 |