MOTHIF (Model Testing of High lifting system ) testing is finally about to start!
After a long journey, started in January 2020 in Belgium, the wind tunnel model prototype has been delivered to the VKI (Von Karman Institute), where Wind Tunnel test campaign will start on February.
MOTHIF is a EU-Clean Sky 2 research funded project, in which Piaggio Aerospace acts as Topic Leader, in collaboration with its Belgian partners SONACA and VKI.
The wind tunnel tests will validate the efficiency of a promising high-lift system configuration for future Small Air Transport (SAT) aircraft.
A dedicated prototype model, instrumented to be tested in the wind tunnel, has been designed and manufactured by Sonaca Engineering Services. The prototype is now ready to start the test campaign in the VKI large subsonic wind tunnel at required Reynolds number.
It is equipped with an orientable flap to validate various setting angles and wing box-flap gaps. The main wing box trailing edge, made in ALM (Additive Layer Manufacturing) technology(based on 3D printing), integrates the specific concept over an active jet blowing system. The model angle of incidence versus wind tunnel main axis is also adjustable. VKI’s real time measurement (pressures, and forces) will be complemented by flow field visualization recorded by a PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) acquisition system during the experimental test cases.
Notwithstanding the difficult worldwide situation, Piaggio Aerospace is proud to lead this innovative project and paving the way for the future aviation, as we have always aimed to do in the course of our history.
Thanks to our partners for their hard work and their support: their competence and reliability since the beginning of the project have been a great added value for the teamwork.