The reduction of both aircraft pollution and noise emission is one of the major goals of the European aerospace industry, targeting climate neutrality (net zero greenhouse emission) in 2050.
Clean Sky – the largest European aeronautical research program developing innovative technologies to reduce CO2 emissions – is now entering its final stage, to be concluded in 2023.
Within the Clean Sky 2 Project, Piaggio Aerospace is participating as Coordinator of the Small Air Transport Transverse Activity (SAT TA).
One of the major 2021 milestones of the “SAT TA” is the Annual Review Meeting, intended to let the European Union monitor the progress of the Research Activities carried out in 2020. The meeting was held on the 25th and 26th May, in the presence of all involved Partners, Clean Sky 2 Project Officers, and Independent Experts. The project progress has been judged positively, despite criticalities due to the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, which limited the access to the test facilities.

The Annual Review Meeting (ARM) of the Clean Sky 2 Small Air Transport Transverse Activity (CS2 SAT TA), covering the period 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2020, has taken place remotely (via WebEx) on May 25th-26th 2021, in the presence of three Independent Experts, JU POs (Joint Undertaking Project Officers), and all Representatives of the Partners involved in the Project.
The meeting was intended to provide the Experts and JU POs a summary of the activities carried out in 2020 and an outlook on 2021 main events, as well as the feedback to the Reviewers’ recommendations risen after 2020 ARM and 2020 IPR (Interim Progress Review). Further topics have dealt with useful information concerning COVID-19 impact assessment, evaluation of the dissemination, communication and exploitation plans and achievements, and the evolution of CS2DP (Clean Sky 2 Development Plan). Both Experts and POs provided positive outcomes: SAT Project can keep the final targets, despite both technical and COVID-19 outbreak caused issues and delay. It has also been underlined that the Project is entering a crucial phase towards final demonstrations and that the next months will be decisive for the positive conclusion of SAT activities. Thus, maximum attention shall be paid in the second half of 2021 and in 2022 to assure SAT activities proceed on track to complete final demonstrations as originally planned.