Systems ITD (Integrated Technology Demonstrator) 2021 ARM (Annual Review Meeting) has been hold remotely on April 7th-8th 2021 at the presence of Systems ITD representative, JU (Joint Undertaking) POs (Project Officers) and External Experts. This milestone is intended to monitor the progress during 2020 for the Research Activities related to System technologies, including those related to SAT (Small Air Transport) Project. The project is in a consolidated phase towards final demonstrators’ assembly and test. Project progress has been judged positive, despite criticalities due to actual pandemic situation, which limited access to test facilities.

Despite adversities, activities go on!
The Annual Review Meeting (ARM) of the Clean Sky 2 Systems Integrated Technology Demonstrator (CS2 SYS ITD), covering the period 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2020, has taken place remotely (via WebEx) on April 7th-8th 2021, at the presence of four Independent Experts, JU POs (Joint Undertaking Project Officers), and all Representatives of the Partners involved in the Project.
The two-day meeting was intended to provide the Experts and JU POs the summary of the activities carried out in 2020 and an outlook on 2021 main events, as well as a feedback to the Reviewers’ recommendations arisen after 2020 ARM and 2020 IPR (Interim Progress Review). Further topics have dealt with useful information concerning Covid-19 (Corona Virus December 2019) impact assessment, evaluation of the dissemination, communication and exploitation plans and achievements, and a revision of the evolution of the CS2DP (Clean Sky 2 Development Plan). During the first day of the event, a dedicated slot has been devoted to WP7 (Work Package 7) “Small Air Transport”, which focuses on the development of different key technologies to be integrated in the following demonstrators, with the following progress:
- Affordable Fly-by-Wire (FbW) for small commuter:
- Electro-mechanical actuators for primary surfaces: assembled and tested at supplier’s facilities.
- Air Data System (ADS) sensors: Critical Design Review (CDR) completed. ADS LRU (Line Replaceable Unit) assembly in progress.
- Flight Control Computer (FCC): preliminary tests on computer node successfully executed, and demo board delivered to Piaggio for software implementation.
- Iron bird demonstrator: manufacturing and assembly ongoing in Piaggio, with the first components (rudder kinematics) delivered.
- Electrical Power Generation and Distribution System (EPGDS):
- High voltage generator delivered from the supplier to Piaggio, for final integration in electrical rig.
- High voltage/low voltage PPDUs (Primary Power Distribution Units) tested at supplier’s facility.
- Ice protection system: preliminary static tests executed and CDR completed. Model ready to be manufactured for final icing wind tunnel test in 2022.
- More Electric Aircraft (MEA) Systems:
- Landing gear: CDR executed for landing gear actuators.
- Brakes: CDR executed.
- Safe and Comfortable Cabin:
- Effective noise-thermal insulation: ground test for validation of noise and thermal insulation.
- Crashworthy passenger seat: ground tests executed to validate seats design.
- Affordable Future Avionic Solutions for SAT, focusing on:
- Tactical Separation System (TSS), Advanced Weather Awareness System (AWAS), and Compact Computing Platform (CCP): TRL5 (Technology Readiness Level 5) achieved. Prototypes have been developed and validated in laboratory. Integration is ongoing.
- Flight Reconfiguration System (FRS): good progress with TRL 5 prototyping, in finalization phase.
- Low-cost Integrated Navigation System (NAV): TRL4 achieved, system design finished and TRL5 prototyping in progress.
- Affordable Integrated Surveillance System (SURV): system concept defined. Functional architecture designed. Progress in K-Band radar post processing algorithms for non-cooperative threats detection development
- Integrated Mission Management System (IMMS): system requirements defined.