After the positive assessment of the activities carried out in 2019 during the SAT ARM (Annual Review Meeting) of June 2020, on November 27th 2020, the IPR (Interim Progress Review) of SAT project took successfully place via WebEx at the presence of Joint Undertaking Project Officers, External Reviewers and Leaders, Core Partners and Partners active in SAT-related activities to assess the activities performed in 2020.

SAT TA proceeds well!
The Interim Progress Review (IPR) Meeting of the Clean Sky 2 Small Aircraft Transport Transverse Activity (CS2 SAT TA), covering the period 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2020, took place remotely (via WebEx) on November 27th 2020, at the presence of three Independent Experts, JU POs (Joint Undertaking Project Officers), and all Representatives of the Leaders and Core Partners working on SAT-related topics.
The one-day meeting was intended to provide the Experts and JU POs a feedback to the Reviewers on recommendations arising from the last Annual Review Meeting (ARM) of June 17th 2020, an interim status update on progress made in 2020, an assessment of the impact of Covid-19 on progress and future plans, an evaluation of the dissemination, communication and exploitation plans and achievements, and a revision of the evolution of the CS2DP (Clean Sky 2 Development Plan).
Both the Experts and JU POs were satisfied with the organization of the IPR and the material presented, covering effectively all formal agenda activities. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic situation it was not possible to organize a physical meeting, showing hardware, but all the Participants strived for their best to show all the progress of the activities with pictures, graphs and data.
The overall feedback received by Experts and JU POs is that a satisfactory IPR of SAT TA has been undertaken, despite the difficulties associated with COVID-19 and the need for remote working. The Experts and JU POs congratulated SAT TA Team on what was achieved this year under difficult circumstances. Next main review event will be the 2021 Annual Review Meeting, planned in the first half of 2021. Hopefully ARM 2021 will be a physical meeting, provided that COVID-19 pandemic crisis will not force the organization of a new remote event.